Putting readers first

We believe in the value of plain English – writing that is clear, straightforward and concise.

Our clients do, too, knowing that this approach can improve the way they communicate with their readers, helping them easily find and understand the information they need.

So just what is plain English? It's a rigorous approach to writing that uses a logical progression of thought, active verbs, shorter sentences, precise words and a conversational style.

In essence, plain English requires a writer to continually step back and consider the basic premise of each paragraph and sentence – asking “what do I need to say, and how can I say it better?”

In our experience, this is the best way to create writing that is clear and easy to understand on first reading. In other words, everything that legalese, jargon and 'corporate-speak' are not.

When it comes to writing, we think Ernest Gowers said it best:

Be short, be simple, be human.